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Insecurity and giant homosexual frogs.

I have this thing that I do every morning that very few people know about. I wake up at the crack of dawn (I’m lying, it’s not at the crack of dawn, it’s more of the thigh area of dawn, just below the crack.) I go for a walk and think about which is my…

We’re all Bastards.

I’m sipping whiskey I didn’t buy, sitting at a table I didn’t want to be at, listening to a guy whose voice I loathed, staring at the guy’s woman sitting beside him and pressed to his side, a woman whom I desired but couldn’t have. The ironies of life aren’t lost on me and so…

Brutal Honesty.

I know that if you don’t have money your next alternative to getting women is to use your looks and if you don’t have that then it’s your personality, and if you’re lacking there too then your only solution is simping. But I’m here today, a survivor of dry spells, to tell you young blood,…

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